
Replica Rado Watches the wave of the future

Replica Rado WatchesThe other train of thought is that fakes are the wave of the future. Of course, this ideology is being aggressively promoted by none other than the ones involved in the manufacturing and marketing of fake diamonds. They believe that fakes are the answer for high diamond prices and a reasonable solution to the conflict diamond trade. They are entitled to their opinion! What do you think?Fake diamonds go by a multitude of names and descriptions, which well share in a moment Replica Rado Watches.

But the bottom line definition is this: a fake diamond is any product that is not a mined diamond Replica Rado Watches.To prevent retailers from passing off fake diamonds as natural ones, (GIA) the Gemological Institute of America, is now selling equipment that helps jewelers easily distinguish between the two.Had it not been for this equipment and the technology behind, you can bet your last dollar that those behind these man made diamonds would be getting away with ripping off millions from the unsuspecting diamond buyers Replica Rado Watches.